Friday 8 August 2014

Thematising the ugly side of sublime technological development: Sonzero’s Pulse (2006) as an inadvertent critique of the ‘technocentrism’ of postmodernity

Thematising the ugly side of sublime technological development: 

Sonzero’s Pulse (2006) as an inadvertent critique of the 

‘ technocentrism’ of postmodernity

Brief summary

This article deals with the impact of technocentricism on our society, the manner in which the technological world has affected us as humans our communities, communication and relations.

The articles also deals with the aspects that makes us human, our relations with each other even going to the extreme of our souls being tampered with by this modern society and its culture of technological system.
Aspects of capitalism and socialism are addressed as they are detrimental factors in our lifetime. 

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